15 May 2024
The gold-standard for customs service
We’re delighted to tell you that Eirtrans has achieved AEO accreditation (Authorised Economic Operator). For our customers this new status means easier, more cost-effective and hassle-free customs service – whatever goods you are importing or exporting.AEO Eirtrans
The AEO programme, which aims to enhance international supply chain security and to facilitate legitimate trade, is open to all supply chain actors.
It covers economic operators authorised for customs simplification (AEOC) and safety (AEOS) – or any combination of the two.” More information about AEO
AEO accreditation has been achieved by just 250 other Irish companies. So why aren’t there more?
Well, it’s not just because more companies have not applied.
Actually they have.
It’s just that the task of applying is daunting and time-consuming. And it is very hard to achieve.
And then, some companies are put off by the negative effects that losing this status might have on their business.
The AEO concept is based on the customs-to-business partnership introduced by the World Customs Organisation (WCO) as part of their SAFE Framework of Standards.
All of the WCO members have made a commitment to implement a version of this AEO programme. The UK has developed its own system, in line with the EU version.
As you can imagine, these benefits of our AEO certification are also benefits for our customers:
Easier admittance to customs simplifications
Fewer physical and document-based controls related to security and safety
Prior notification in case of selection for customs control
Priority treatment if selected for customs controls
International recognition as a secure and safe business partner
Improved relations with customs and other government authorities
Fewer delayed shipments
Increased co-operation
Mutual recognition with third countries
Since the advent of Brexit, many supply chains have been affected by customs-related constraints, causing added costs and delays. Our AEO status is one more guarantee of our benchmark quality of service in helping assure you are not affected by any of these constraints.
So give Eirtrans a call to discuss how we can simplify your customs processes – whatever you are importing or exporting: 01- 601 2791
We’d also like to give a shout-out to Best Words for all their help with #copywriting, web development and marketing.